What To Expect When Shipping Starts
Your play couch is getting ready to be delivered and it's pure and total excitement! Finally! Your Joey® is here.
Before we deliver your couch, we wanted to take a moment to let you know what to expect throughout this, because it's a little bit different than receiving something from your favourite online store.
Since we're a drop-based (sometimes pre-order!) play couch, this means everything comes all at once! That means thousands and thousands of packages flooding our warehouse getting ready to be labelled and sent to you. That's why we wanted to take the time and share a series of commonly asked questions that most Roopers go through.
If you want to see what a normal order looks like inside of the warehouse, please visit this LINK HERE in our Facebook group.
How long does it take to ship everything after I order?
This depends on a lot of factors, such as whether we received our shipment near a weekend, a holiday, what kind of volume a carrier is currently experiencing, and more. Our goal is always to ensure every package is labelled and picked up by a carrier within 1 to 5 business days, but there's always extenuating circumstances. Each of our drop and pre-order updates will have an estimated delivery time!
I have just received my order. Should I review the packages?
Yes! Every Joey® product comes with a barcode that will let you know what you just received. Please take a moment to review before uncompressing your package, as opening the incorrect package can delay you receiving your order!
I just received my tracking information but it has no information / says "label created"?
This is perfectly normal.
The most important thing to know is that we're fulfilling orders in bulk. This changes things compared to everyday shipping we are all used to.
After packages are labelled (this is when you get your shipping notification!), we end up putting them on pallets since carriers come and pick up dozens and dozens at once. They can only take so many packages per day, so sometimes it can take a few days before they pick up and process everything.
Since our packages are "palletized," this means they cannot scan each individual package when they come to pick it up. Once a carrier has picked up several packages, they will process it all at their facility, updating your tracking code with additional information like your estimated date of delivery. That means there can be quite some time between when you receive your label vs. when it gets updated for delivery.
How long this can take depends on the volume a carrier is experiencing, if your order was fulfilled on a Friday / Monday or weekend, whether your package was picked up at our warehouse on a Thursday or Friday (since they aren't usually processed on weekends), and more. Because of the volume of orders, sometimes a backlog is created.
Once the carrier has your package, they'll work as quickly as they can to scan your product so some information is there.
What if I'm stuck at label for more than two weeks?
In rare circumstances, you may be stuck at label for quite some time. Please contact us at support@rooandyou.ca with your order number, and we'll look into this on our end. We require two weeks as that's the amount of time carriers have requested from us.
Will my whole order arrive together?
Yes and no. While your package leaves together at our warehouse, packages are sorted differently by different processes by carriers, since their sizes are so different. That's why some people may receive their Joey® or pillow packs and the rest of their order later. If you receive part of your order first, fear not! You have tracking codes for each package, so you can track them individually.
If you ordered your items separately, they will be fulfilled separately.
My tracking code says that my entire order was delivered but I don't have everything. Now what?
When you receive a tracking code, it will automatically take you to one package, not all of them. This is what we call your "master tracking code." From here, you can click a button / link to see the status of all your packages!
Please note, this is only applicable if you ordered your items under one single order number.
If you're with UPS, you will see a link that says "1 of X Piece Shipment." Clicking this link will refresh your page and show you the status of your whole order:
If you're with Canpar, you will see a button that says "Track Shipment." Clicking this will refresh your page and show you the status of your whole order on one page.
My friend / family / etc. that lives near / faraway me just received their Joey. How come I didn't get mine?
Packages are fulfilled in the most efficient way possible, which means we no longer go in order of number. We also do not fulfill them based on location, so it's possible someone close to you or very faraway will get their Joey® products before you do.
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